Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I looked into the TARDIS and the TARDIS looked into me

I really need to dedicate more time to my artistic blog.  Sorry about that.  Life keeps me busy.
Anyways, a few months ago I painted an 11th Doctor TARDIS on canvas, which is now hanging in our living room:

Not bad for my first TARDIS. 
My friend Chelsea Kimball is the one responsible for getting me hooked and obsessed with Doctor Who.  A few months ago I decided to paint a TARDIS for her as well.  Took me a few weeks to actually get started on it, like I said, life's kept me busy.  Her birthday was last week and I had hoped to have it finished by then.  That did not happen.  But it's ok, because I finished it yesterday!   Hopefully I can get it in the mail by the end of this week.  (And hopefully she doesn't read my blog before it gets there).  I decided to go with a Bad Wolf TARDIS:

I think this TARDIS came out a lot nicer than my first one.   Let me know what you think.
"I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words... I scatter them, in time and space."
- Rose Tyler, The Parting of Ways

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