Thursday, August 8, 2013

Faye's Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Doctor Who Birthday Party

As most of you already know our daughter, Faye, is a HUGE Doctor Who fan.  Back in March of 2013, she asked if we could throw her a Doctor Who party for her 7th birthday.  She also wanted us to invite The Doctor.  I told her that I would send a message out to The Doctor on his psychic paper.

A few days before her birthday, my husband and I purchased a sonic screwdriver. On her big day,  my husband and I got up at 4 am (that's when Daddy gets up to get ready for work, we figured it was a good time to surprise her).  In a royal blue gift bag, I placed the sonic screwdriver and wrote in gallifreyan: Happy Birthday Faye (after some research online on how to write it, and several attempts, I got it right) and put it on the edge of her bed.  We attached the portable speakers to my phone, put the speakers by her bedroom door and played the sound of the TARDIS taking off.  She must have been pretty deep asleep because we had to play it twice before she jumped up with excitement "The Doctor is here!"  We quickly ran into her room.  She was holding up the bag, with the happiest face I had ever seen in my entire life "The Doctor left me a present! Did you guys see him?  Is he coming to my party?"  We proceeded to tell her that we did, and that he regrets to inform that he would be unable to attend the party because his current companion is FUTURE FAYE!!!  If he were to show up with her it would be a paradox and all of time and space would implode.  Her face was glowing, "Oh that's ok, I completely understand".  She was thrilled that The Doctor gave her a sonic screwdriver for her birthday. 

Unfortunately there isn't much Doctor Who party supplies out there, so I had to get creative.  I obviously went with the royal blue table cloths, plates and utensils, which were pretty easy to find.  But I wanted something other than regular blue paper bags as goodie bags.  While digging through our pantry I found a small container of French's fried onions, and then I swear I heard the sound of the sonic screwdriver going off in my head.  This is what I came up with: 

Obviously you're going to want to empty out the fried onions and throw the empty containers in the dishwasher first, get the onion smell out.  Take the label off.  Spray paint them blue.  Let them dry.  Throw on another coat if necessary.  Carefully with acrylic paint, add the details.  Once they are dry, spray them with finishing gloss (otherwise the paint will just peel off).  Paint  and spray the lid and the container separately.  Fill them up with wrapped candies.  The kids absolutely loved them! 

At a vendor event where I was selling my crochet hats, I was fortunate enough to find a lady who made custom banners. Pickles 'N Pinwheels.  I made her two custom hats and she made me this amazing birthday banner. We hung the sign up the day before her birthday and left it up for a few weeks.  I plan on putting the name sign up above her bed, once we finish painting her room (stay tuned):

I'm not much of a cake decorator, but I think my TARDIS cake out pretty good:

And of course, the birthday girl had to have a fabulous birthday dress.  I am such a Rarity (from my Little Pony) when I'm behind a sewing machine.  Time was of the essence, so I went with a basic pillow case dress.  Something that she could eventually wear as a top with jeans or leggings once it got to small for a dress.  Once she fully outgrows it, I can probably turn it into a nice pillow, a quilt or a nifty cinch bag.  I used printer fabric and printed out the St. John Ambulance and the Free for Public Use signs, and stitched them on to the dress.  I used fabric paint to write out Police Public Call Box. 


She loved this dress so much, she even wore it the awards assembly at the end of the school year (AB Honor Roll year round!!!):

She also wore her TARDIS dress at the first annual Fanfest at the Columbus Public Library, and won 1st place in the cosplay contest!  She plans on wearing her TARDIS dress at Dragon Con this year as well!

Her party was a blast.  It was small, mostly just our neighbors and a few close friends.  My husband grilled a few burgers and hot dogs, I made a chicken salad.  Faye wanted the main dish to be, well you guessed it, fish fingers and custard.  If you ever considered making that, you should!  To our surprise, it actually tasted pretty good.  The kids enjoyed dunking their fish fingers into custard. I threw this party together in about a week, otherwise I think I could have made a few more creative things (like Dalek cupcakes or something).

So this was Faye's Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey 7th birthday party.  Hope this helps other fellow Whovian parents plan and put together an amazing, out of this world, absolutely FANTASTIC, Doctor Who party.  Allon-sy!

 Faye regenerates from a 6 year old into a 7 year old!

"Before I go I just want to tell you,  you were fantastic, absolutely fantastic. 
And you know what?  So was I!" - 9



  1. Just....awesome. Will you be my mom. I am polite and very tidy. I am also I professional cake decorator so I could do those Salem cupcakes for you easy

  2. Sorry dalek cupcakes. Stupid autocorrect.

  3. Brilliant, just brilliant! My son will be celebrating his ninth birthday this Saturday with a Doctor Who and Dalek party.
